Monday, November 21, 2011

Google Music

Shop music on Android Market and listen instantly using the Google Music app.
Google Music is a cloud-powered music player and storage service that lets you keep your music collection online so you can save space on your Android device.
* All your your music purchases from Android Market automatically appear on Google Music.
* Add up to 20,000 more songs from your personal music collection on your computer for free.
* Access to your entire music library instantly with the Google Music app, and save your favorites for offline playback.
* Share a free full play of the songs you purchased from Android Market with your friends on Google+.
* Learn more about Google Music at
* Available in the U.S. only.
What's New
What's in this version:
  1. 1. Google Music is now out of beta and is open to all users without an invitation. Upload up to 20,000 songs from your personal music collection to Google Music and listen instantly on all your devices.
  2. 2. Seamless integration with the Android Market music store. All your purchases automatically appear in the Google Music app.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Fix Temporary profile in Windows 7/Vista

If you get a message you have been logged into a temporary profile in Windows 7 computer, then it’s not your correct profile. You may miss your icons on desktop, any customized settings in Windows 7 by this temp profile issue. This post explains how easily you can fix temporary profile in Windows 7 issue.
By restarting or re logging to Windows 7 computer will not help you in this case. This temp profile issue arises because of a registry key.
Fix Temporary Profile in Windows 7 Issue
1)      Log in with temp profile.
2)      Start registry editor by typing regedit in find box in Windows 7.
3)      Navigate the following location in Windows 7.

4)      You can see similar keys under profile list with .bak difference, as shown below.

5)      You correct profile key is marked as bak. Currently your Windows 7 computer logged in with fresh profile with same key. So, rename the new profile key (which is not having.bak) and remove .bak from correct profile key. See below.

6)      That’s it. Log off and log in with your user name and password. You must get your icons and profile settings back in Windows 7. This is very simple and easy method to fix temp profile in Windows 7 issue.

IT Jokes

1). Tech Support: "I need you to right-click on the Open Desktop."

Customer "Ok."

Tech Support: "Did you get a pop-up menu?"

Customer: "No."

Tech Support: "Ok. Right click again. Do you see a pop-up menu?"

Customer "No."

Tech Support:: "Ok, sir. Can you tell me what you have done up until
this point?"

Customer: "Sure, you told me to write 'click' and I wrote 'click'."

A plain computer illeterate guy rings tech support to report that
his computer is faulty.

Tech: What's the problem?

User: There is smoke coming out of the power supply.

Tech: You'll need a new power supply.

User: No, I don't! I just need to change the startup files.

Tech: Sir, the power supply is faulty. You'll need to replace it.

User: No way! Someone told me that I just needed to change the startup
and it will fix the problem! All I need is for you to tell me the

10 minutes later, the User is still adamant that he is right. The tech
is frustrated and fed up.

Tech: Sorry, Sir. We don't normally tell our customers this, but there
is an undocumented DOS command that will fix the problem.

User: I knew it!

Tech: Just add the line LOAD <> NOSMOKE.COM at the
end of the CONFIG.SYS.

Letme know how it goes.

10 minutes later.

User: It didn't work. The power supply is still smoking.

Tech: Well, what version of DOS are you using?

User: MS-DOS 6.22.

Tech: That's your problem there. That version of DOS didn't come with
NOSMOKE. Contact Microsoft and ask them for a patch that will give you
the file. Let me know how it goes.

1 hour later.
User: I need a new power supply.
Tech: How did you come to that conclusion?

User: Well, I rang Microsoft and told him about what you said, and he
started asking questions about the make of power supply.

Tech: Then what did he say?

User: He told me that my power supply isn't compatible with NOSMOKE.
Customer: "I received the software update you sent, but I am still
getting the same error message."

Tech Support:: "Did you install the update?"

Customer: "No. Oh, am I supposed to install it to get it to work?"
Customer:: "I'm having trouble installing Microsoft Word."

Tech Support:: "Tell me what you've done."

Customer: "I typed 'A:SETUP'."

Tech Support:: "Ma'am, remove the disk and tell me what it says."

Customer:: "It says '[PC manufacturer] Restore and Recovery disk'."

Tech Support:: "Insert the MS Word setup disk."

Customer:: "What?"

Tech Support: "Did you buy MS word?"

Customer: "No..."

Tech Support:: "Ok, in the bottom left hand side of the screen,
canyou see the 'OK' button displayed?"

Customer: "Wow. How can you see my screen from there?"

Tech Support:: "What type of computer do you have?"

Customer:: "A white one."


Tech Support:: "Type 'A:' at the prompt."

Customer:: "How do you spell that?"


Tech Support: "What's on your screen right now?"

Customer: "A stuffed animal that my boyfriend got me at the grocery

Tech Support:: "What operating system are you running?"

Customer: "Pentium."


Customer: "You've got to fix my computer. I urgently need to
print document, but the computer won't boot properly."

Tech Support: "What does it say?"

Customer: "Something about an error and non-system disk."

Tech Support: "Look at your machine. Is there a floppy inside?"

Customer: "No, but there's a sticker saying there's an Intel inside."


Tech Support: "Just call us back if there's a problem. We're open
24 hours."

Customer: "Is that Eastern time?"


Tech Support:: "What does the screen say now?"

Customer: "It says, 'Hit ENTER when ready'."

Tech Support:: "Well?"

Customer: "How do I know when it's ready?"

Customer care officer:I  need a product identification no: right now and may I help u in finding it out?

Customer: sure

Customer care officer: could u left click on start and do u find 'My Computer'?

Cust: I did left click but how the hell do I find your computer?
............................................................ .........................

Safeboot recovery instructions for helpdesk engineers

Safeboot has been corrupted-92h error
IMPORTANTEnsure that your computer's main power supply is plugged in before continuing with this procedure. Do not attempt to perform on battery only.

PrerequisitesBefore proceeding you must have the following:
  • The BartPE Boot CD/DVD.
  • The floppy drive or USB containing the computer's configuration file (.SDB). This contains the computer's key that provides access to the problem computer.
    NOTE: Any USB sticks and drives required to access the computer must be plugged in before WinTech starts.
  • The daily access/authorization code. You can get this directly from McAfee Support, or from your internal Helpdesk:
    • To obtain the Endpoint Encryption (formerly SafeBoot) Code of the Day from the McAfee ServicePortal, see KB61073.
    • Availability from your Helpdesk is dependent on your contract with McAfee.

 Data Recovery Procedure

This procedure uses the Authenticate to SafeBoot Files System (SBFS) method.
  1. Start the computer with the BartPE CD/DVD (WinTech CD). This loads the Endpoint Encryption interface.
  2. Click Go, ProgramsEEPC WinTech or Safeboot WinTech
  3. When prompted, type the access code, and then click OK.
  4. From the main menu, click WinTech and select Authenticate from SBFS.
  5. Type the Safeboot username and password, and then click OK
  6. Click Go,Programs,A43 File Management Utility
  7. Click on C: and copy all the data to your external drive.

McAfee Download Site
To download McAfee products, updates, and documentation, visit the Downloads page at

For instructions on downloading, see: KB56057.

And also see bellow details from MacAfee
How to use the WinTech CD to remove the encryption and boot sector from the hard disk

McAfee Endpoint Encryption for PC 5.x.x
McAfee WinTech CD

For details of all supported operating systems, see KB51109.

NOTE: Endpoint Encryption for PC was formerly known as SafeBoot Device Encryption. McAfee Endpoint Encryption for PC 5.1.7 (Build 5500) was the first release to be branded with the new McAfee product name.
This article provides two solutions to overcome the following types of situations:
  • Windows becomes corrupt.
  • You cannot access the data of an encrypted computer.
  • Encryption or decryption fails.
IMPORTANT: Only attempt the following procedures if you are a trained Helpdesk operator within your company, or call McAfee Technical Support.
Solution 1
IMPORTANTEnsure that your computer's main power supply is plugged in before continuing with this procedure. Do not attempt to perform on battery only.

Prerequisitesbefore proceeding you must have the following:
  • The BartPE Boot CD/DVD.
  • The floppy drive or USB containing the computer's configuration file (.SDB). This contains the computer's key that provides access to the problem computer.
    NOTE: Any USB sticks and drives required to access the computer must be plugged in before WinTech starts.
  • The daily access/authorization code. You can get this directly from McAfee Support, or from your internal Helpdesk:
    • To obtain the Endpoint Encryption (formerly SafeBoot) Code of the Day from the McAfee ServicePortal, see KB61073.
    • Availability from your Helpdesk is dependent on your contract with McAfee.

Recovery Procedure 1This procedure uses the Authenticate to SafeBoot Files System (SBFS) method.
  1. Start the computer with the BartPE CD/DVD (WinTech CD). This loads the Endpoint Encryption interface.
  2. Click Go, ProgramsEEPC WinTech.
  3. When prompted, type the access code, and then click OK.
  4. From the main menu, click EEPC and select Authenticate from SBFS.
  5. Type the computer username and password, and then click OK
  6. From the main menu click EEPC and select Remove EEPC. This decrypts the drive and removes the boot sector.
    NOTE: It might take a few hours, depending on the computer's performance and the storage capacity of the drive or partition. 
  7. When Endpoint Encryption has been removed, delete its record from the Endpoint Encryption Manager. (The central record will no longer have the correct parameters for this computer).
    See the Endpoint Encryption for PC Administration Guide for further information or contact your Endpoint Encryption Database Administrator.
CAUTION: The next time Windows is started, Endpoint Encryption automatically reactivates itself if the installed files are still intact. It also connects to the Endpoint Encryption Server. The computer might also encrypt at this point, depending on its database settings.
Required action to prevent this from happening:
  1. Disconnect from the network prior to starting the computer (or disable wireless networking).
    NOTE: Disconnecting from the network will prevent reactivation only if this computer was originally an Online install. If it was an Offline install, then start with Windows Safe Mode first. See the Endpoint Encryption for PC Administration Guide for further information regarding online and offline installation.
  2. Allow Windows to load.
  3. Click Start, Run, type cmd, then click OK.
  4. Change to the Endpoint Encryption folder on the client using DOS commands. Default location is: c:\Program Files\McAfee\Endpoint Encryption for PC. Type:

    CD "c:\Program Files\McAfee\Endpoint Encryption for PC"
  5. Type sbsetup –uninstall

  6. NOTE: The drive must be completely unencrypted for this command to work.
Solution 2
If Endpoint Encryption does not work and the Encryption and Boot Sector removal procedure in Solution 1 cannot be used, then follow this alternative procedure.
Before proceeding you must have the following:
  • The BartPE Boot CD/DVD boot CD.
  • The floppy drive or USB containing the computers configuration file (.SDB) that has been exported from the Endpoint Encryption database. This contains the machine key that will provide access to the problem computer.

    NOTE: Any USB sticks and drives required to access the computer must be plugged in before WinTech starts.
  • The daily access/authorization code. This can be obtained either directly from McAfee Support or from your internal Help Desk.
    To obtain the Endpoint Encryption (formerly SafeBoot) Code of the Day from the McAfee ServicePortal, see KB61073.

    NOTE: Availability from your Helpdesk is dependent on your contract with McAfee.
Recovery Procedure 2This procedure uses the authentication method: Authenticate to Database
  1. Create a SafeTech Boot Disk.
    First create a SafeTech recovery disk at the McAfee Endpoint Encryption Manager and export the User/Computer configuration to the floppy disk/USB device.
This procedure is documented in:
·         The WinTech and SafeTech Administration Guide. These guides are available from either:
·         How to create a SafeTech boot disk for Endpoint Encryption, see KB53257.
The WinTech and SafeTech Administration Guide is available at:
McAfee ServicePortalFor a full list of product documents, go to the McAfee ServicePortal (, and click Product Documentation.

McAfee Download Site
To download McAfee products, updates, and documentation, visit the Downloads page at

For instructions on downloading, see: KB56057.
  1. Use the WinTech CD and SafeTech Recovery disk.
    1. Start your computer with the BartPE CD/DVD. This loads the Endpoint Encryption interface.
    2. Click Go, Programs, EEPC WinTech.
    3. When prompted, type in the access code, then clicks OK.
    4. From the main menu click EEPC, then select Authenticate from Database.
    5. Select the computer's SDB file, then click OK.
    6. From Select Machine, select the correct computer name. 
    7. From the main menu click Workspace and select Open Workspace.
    8. From the menu Workspace select Load From Sectors.
    9. In the Load sector window enter the start sector to use for decryption in the workspace (memory), this  can verify if the key is correct. Usually sector 63 after decryption would show readable content.
    10. In the sector count section, type in the number of sectors that need to be read after the start sector. This is usually 1.
    11. Select from the Workspace menu the option Decrypt Workspace to decrypt the read sectors in the memory.
      NOTE: If there is readable data showing the key loaded is correct, then you can proceed to the next step; otherwise the read SDB file may contain the incorrect key and decrypting/removing the encryption may damage the data on the hard disk.
    12. From the main menu, click EEPC, and then select Remove EEPC. This decrypts the drive and removes the boot sector.
      NOTE: It might take some hours depending on the computer performance and the storage capacity of the drive or partition.
    13. When Endpoint Encryption has been removed, delete its record from the Endpoint Encryption Manager. (The central record will no longer have the correct parameters for this computer.)
      See the Endpoint Encryption for PC Administration Guide for further information, or, contact your Endpoint Encryption Database Administrator.
NOTE:  If you had a problem with Windows and the operating system is repaired, Endpoint Encryption will automatically reactivate itself if the installed files are still intact. It also connects to the Endpoint Encryption Server. The computer might also encrypt at this point, depending on its settings in the database.

Required action to prevent this from happening:
a.       Disconnect from the network prior to starting your computer (or disable wireless networking).
b.      Allow Windows to load.
c.       Click Start, Run, type cmd, then click OK.
d.      Change to the Endpoint Encryption folder on the client using DOS commands (default location is: c:\Program Files\McAfee\Endpoint Encryption for PC). Type:

CD "c:\Program Files\McAfee\Endpoint Encryption for PC"
e.       Type sbsetup –uninstall
NOTE: The drive must be completely unencrypted for this command to work.
WARNING: Disconnecting from the network will prevent reactivation only if this computer was originally an online install of Endpoint Encryption for PC. If it was an offline install start with Windows Safe Mode first.  See the Endpoint Encryption for PC Administration Guide PDF document for further information regarding online and offline installation.

Mcafee Official website